What does our client get besides quality medical care?

This is what sets our company apart from others! 1. Our specialist will inform you about all existing home care programs under Medicaid and Medicare, and explain how these programs work in Florida, as well as check what specifically you are entitled to. 2. LTC (Long...

Who provides home care assistance?

The question often arises – who are these home assistants? Nurses? Or just untrained people? Here’s the answer: All our specialists are certified by specialized institutions before starting their work and receive a Home Health Aid certificate. Moreover, before...

What is included in the scope of a domestic helper?

Today we will discuss a very important topic, we receive a lot of questions on the topic: What is included in the scope of a domestic helper? 👉Daily care: 1. Assist to Dress 2. Back rub/massage 3. Check pressure areas 4. Comb hair 5. Complete bath 6. Foot care 7. Nail...

What diseases is the assistant qualified for?

Life is an incredible adventure, full of bright moments and unexpected twists. Along the way, we learn, grow, and face various challenges. One of such challenges is caring for our loved ones, especially as they enter old age and encounter various illnesses. Support...

Patient interview

Today we would like to bring you an interview with someone who is caring for their loved one’s elderly parent about their experience of care and support: Question: Hello, thank you for agreeing to take part in our conversation. Can you tell us about your...
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